Delhi Medical Equipment Project Completes One Year of Service to the Community
Posted by Sharan Jain
In 2014 , our Club partnered with the host Club of Delhi Uptown ( India) to apply for a global grant to supply three diagnostic/testing machines to a Children’s Clinic with three main objectives:
- Early diagnosis and intervention in early childhood illnesses and developmental deficits caused by maternal, fetal and neonatal factors.
- Critical care for pre term babies
- Early intervention in cases of hearing and speech impairment and language development disorders.
The Clinic provides diagnosis and treatment at no cost to the families who cannot afford to pay.
Total budget for this project was $55000 of which The Rotary Foundation gave Global Grant of $23000 and the balance was contributed equally by the Hosts ( Delhi Club and their District) and International Partners ( Our Club and District 7510).
The project was inaugurated in February 2015 and we have just submitted our report to the Foundation on first full year of the impact of this project on the local community. With the help of the three machines and the training support organized thru the clinic by the local Rotary Club and the partner hospital, this project is now helping 160 children every three months. In addition, 11 maternal and child health specialists have been trained during the last year and 600 mothers are receiving prenatal care every 3 months – this will have a major impact on reducing the number of children born with birth defects.
Our Club is very proud to be a part of this Project and we thank all other clubs in District 7510 who contributed to this project and participated in our fund raising activities. For us , this was the first Global Grant Project and we leant a great deal about the process while, at same time , making friends with Rotarians across the globe. This has encouraged us to take on other International Projects – one in Cape Town, South Africa ( global grant already received and the project is under implementation) and the other one now in Ecuador ( currently under progress).