Roz gave a report on the Dictionary Project. So far it has been going well in all of the schools. Friday will be the last day for the dictionary presentations.
Joe Nastus has received his third Paul Harris pin for his generosity to the Rotary International Foundation.
Pam reported on the Rags to Runway Project that will take place on March 2, 2017. Sponsors are being solicited for the event. Club members are invited to attend the next meeting that takes place on 12/6 at 7:30 at the Omega Diner.
Joe Nastus' friend Bruce Heuer is going into palliative care. A thank you note will be sent for his generous sponsorship of Rotary scholarships.
Murder Mystery Dinner – the club netted $2760.
Sharan spoke about the luncheon buffet at Panico’s and that this meal option will be reviewed at a future date.